Skill Development.

As an exceptional high school student athlete, you and your family will be faced with the crucial task of planning for the next level, that of a college athlete. This can end up being a frustrating process for the students and their families if they are uninformed and a structured plan is not put in place. These are some of the reasons students never reach the next level or end up in situations that are not beneficial to the student, the college or university.

Hoop For Truth offers services to help the students and their families avoid these pitfalls and fully realize the full potential of individuals.

Through a structured process, our consultants  will assess your academic, physical, mental and spiritual readiness to meet the demands of a college student athlete. In addition, we will also assist you with your recruiting efforts. We will help you and your family ask and answer the questions of recruiters and disseminate the vast amount of information that will be presented to you.

Here are the objectives of our program:

As you can see, a great deal of effort and planning needs to be employed in preparing yourself to successfully reach the next level in defining who you are as a student first and then an athlete. Let Hoop For Truth help get you there...

Get started today by contacting us.  One of our skilled consultants will get back to you to begin an assessment that will start you on the way to achieving your goals.

Mini BasketballMini BasketballMini BasketballMini BasketballMini BasketballMini BasketballMini BasketballMini Basketball